New Thoughts , New Energy

Your thoughts have the power to reshape every part of you and every part of your life. What we think finds its way into all that we are and all that we do. The way we see something, the judgements we have, the perspectives and paradigms we see through, all play a part in who we are, our character, and the reality we create. In recovery, nothing is more vital than changing the ways we think and re-shaping the way we see the world. Addiction skews our thought patterns and brings about a state pretty close to delusion. We start to believe the lies that we create to keep feeding our addictions, whatever they are, it doesn’t just have to be drugs and alcohol. Developing the habits needed to bring about a positive state of mind is paramount to a life removed of addiction. If we want our best life, we must be our biggest advocates and fight for change. It takes dedication, consistency, and constant effort to transform from a hopeless state engulfed by addiction to a life of purpose, meaning, and positive energy. Change is serious business, it doesn’t just happen, it is a journey of continual progression towards the ideal version of yourself. This varies from person to person, but I am pretty sure most peoples idea of their best self does not include addiction, dishonesty, selfishness, and carelessness.

Recovery really is an exciting journey of growth, if you believe it is. What we see and how we see literally determines the energy we put into it. If you believe that you will never be able to get sober, never be able to change your life, never be able to get better and heal, you never will. Its that simple, belief makes a thing so. On the other hand, if you believe, really believe, that you can change, that you can live sober, that you have the ability to grow and transform from your current situation to your best self, you will. You will start seeing the ways to bring it about and sooner or later you will be absolutely amazed at how far you have come. I am sure amazed, if when I was in active addiction you told me I would be where and who I am today, I probably would have laughed at you. I couldn’t see it then, I couldn’t believe it then. It took me getting to a place of having only 2 options, killing myself or really trying, actually putting in hard work to change, for me to become receptive enough to begin to believe that I could get better. And day by day, slowly this belief grew, until it grew so big that the man I am today is completely unrecognizable from who I once had been. Belief, that’s all it takes to begin on this journey, a simple belief that a better life is possible.

Keep Moving Forward!

